Lineups | Duration: 10:08:25 | Players: 8

Place Name Score Decks
1 Athanas#1830 3 - 0

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8E2wmG0wKiigO9oAQN3gS7BYEKjsMC3dICi+UCsIsDqZ8E4J8EidQEjqQF/uUGgeYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8ChtMC4J8EDo0B3gS7BYEKjsMC3dICi+UCqZ8EvaAEidQEjqQFj6QF/uUGgeYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8EuwWG0wKiigO9oAQN3gTbCYEKjsMC3dICi+UCqZ8EidQEo9QEjqQFj6QF/uUGgeYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey
2 Myratos#21157 2 - 1
3 abel#22640 1 - 1

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBKcFnvgCqJ8E5uYGDUbwA/UFg8cCuMcClc4C+9MC0eEC1uUCoZ8EyaAE7eYGm/IGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBqcF08UClc4CnvgCqJ8E5uYGDEbwA/UFg8cCuMcC+9MC0eEC1uUCoZ8EyaAE7eYGm/IGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBvADpwWVzgKe+AKonwTm5gYMRvUF08UCg8cCuMcC+9MC0eEC1uUCoZ8EyaAE7eYGm/IGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey
3 Atome#21243 1 - 1

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBqcFlc4CnvgCqJ8EkqAE5uYGDEbwA/UFg8cCuMcC+9MC0eEC1uUCoZ8EyaAE7eYGm/IGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBvADpwWVzgKe+AKonwTm5gYMRvUFg8cCuMcC+9MCg9QC0eEC1uUCoZ8EyaAE7eYGm/IGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBp0Ng8cCnvgCqJ8EkqAE5uYGDEbwA6cF9QWfwgK4xwL70wLR4QLW5QKhnwTJoATt5gYAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey
5 Chatthon#21982 0 - 1
5 Elfandor#2767 0 - 1

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBO73Ap74ApKgBObmBg1G8AP1BYPHArjHApXOAvvTAtHhAtblAqGfBMmgBO3mBpvyBgAA

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBIPHAp74ApKgBObmBg1G8AOnBfUFuMcClc4C+9MC0eEC1uUC/eoCoZ8EyaAE7eYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Paladin AAECAZ8FBIPHAp74ApKgBObmBg1G8AP1BbjHApXOAtLTAvvTAtHhAtblAu73AqGfBMmgBO3mBgAA

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey
5 HighQueenJim#2616 0 - 1

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8ChtMCoooDDt4EuwXbCYEKjsMC3dICi+UCsIsDqZ8E4J8EidQEjqQF/uUGgeYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8C2wmG0wIO3gS7BYEKjsMC180C3dICi+UCqZ8E4J8EvaAEidQEjqQF/uUGgeYGAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Beast Hunter AAECAR8EjQHbCa/CAobTAg3eBLsFgQqOwwLd0gKL5QKpnwTgnwSSoASJ1ASOpAX+5QaB5gYAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey
5 ScottyTime#2386 0 - 1

### Hunter AAECAR8K8gXTxQKG0wKc4gK26gLc7gLhnwTlnwSI1ATY9gUKq8IC2MICnM0C3dICi+EC8vECufgC2IwDqZ8Ej6QFAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey


# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

### Hunter AAECAR8M8gXGwgKWwwLTxQLTzQKG0wKc4gK26gLhnwTlnwSI1ATY9gUJq8IC2MICnM0Cp84C3dICi+ECufgC2IwDqZ8EAAA=

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey