Aggro Paladin Standard stats
Class Winrate Total Games
Death Knight 55.4 1386
Demon Hunter 53.6 222
Druid 70.5 820
Hunter 65.9 966
Mage 54.1 1278
Paladin 60.5 1333
Priest 57.2 1129
Rogue 53.7 1035
Shaman 61.3 326
Warlock 57.9 1053
Warrior 47.4 1455
Total 57.3 11003
Deck Opponent Rank Replay Link

### Aggro Paladin AAECAZ8FBMHEBY3+BcekBtOpBg3JoASi1ASt6QWU9QWV9QWFjgaZjga8jwb1lQbOnAbUngaSoAbeugYAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#125 Legend

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### Aggro Paladin AAECAZ8FBMHEBY3+BcekBubmBg3JoASi1ASt6QWU9QWV9QWFjgaZjga8jwb1lQbOnAbUngaSoAbeugYAAA==

# You really like to select a lot of stuff, don't ya you beautiful being! 🤎 D0nkey

#110 Legend

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